Welcome to the latest edition of Ombudsman News. In this edition, we highlight our latest annual complaints data and insight for 2023/24. We also share guidance for professional representatives about referring a complaint to us for investigation.

See our previous editions of Ombudsman News.

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Banking complaints hit a 10-year high

Our latest annual complaints data on financial products and services is now available. It shows that in 2023/24, complaints about banking and payments have reached their highest level in at least a decade.

You can find the full data, including the number of new complaints we’ve received, and the proportion of complaints we upheld, on our website.

See our latest annual data

Travel insurance complaints at their highest level since the pandemic

The total number of new complaints we received about travel insurance in the last financial year has reached the highest-level since the pandemic – with cases primarily driven by people dissatisfied with insurers declining their claims.

Overall, we received 4,466 new complaints in 2023/24, compared to 3,745 in the year before. 

Read our news update

Information for professional representatives

On our website, we’ve published guidance for professional representatives about referring a complaint to us for investigation. It includes links to the complaint form to use, as well as other resources and useful information.

Read our guidance

Latest news

Travel insurance complaints at their highest levels since the pandemic

16 July 2024

Holidaymakers unhappy with their travel insurance have led to rising levels of complaints.

Press release Travel Insurance

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Banking complaints hit a 10-year high

12 July 2024

Complaints about the banking sector are at their highest level in at least a decade.

Press release Annual data Banking and payments

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Ombudsman News 192

27 June 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Ombudsman News. In this edition, we highlight our consultation on charging Claims Management Companies and other professional representatives. We also share details of roles we’re currently recruiting for.

Recruitment CMC Consultations and responses

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