Our AI principles

This page sets out information about our approach to the use of AI and other similar technology, including how we use AI responsibly, fairly and securely.

  • Vision and values

    Our use of AI and other similar technologies reflects our organisational values and helps to ensure every customer receives a better outcome or is better informed.

  • Human centred

    We use AI and other similar technologies to support our service, while maintaining human involvement throughout our processes, and carefully considering the ethics of AI and new technology.

  • Transparent

    We clearly explain to our customers and staff how their data is used. We are open about why we use AI, how it works and how it affects them.

  • Secure and private

    We have robust security measures to protect customer data and ensure AI models are secure from manipulation or hacking. We will not share customer information with third party AI models.

  • Fair

    Our use of AI is equitable and inclusive. We design models to be fair and unbiased and regularly test them.

  • Accountable and responsible

    We ensure there are clear lines of responsibility and accountability for the development, deployment and use of AI. We will use AI where it helps and adds value balanced against any risks, costs and the environmental impact.