Welcome to the latest edition of Ombudsman News. In this edition, we highlight our recently published complaints data, which includes complaints data about financial products and services and about individual businesses. We also share our new online guidance for consumers and businesses about unregulated collective investment schemes (UCIS).

See our previous editions of Ombudsman News.

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Our complaints data on financial products and services- April to June 2022

Our latest quarterly complaints data on financial products and services is now available on our website. Between April and June 2022, we received 35,029 new complaints.

Our complaints data includes the number of enquiries and new cases we received, and the proportion of complaints resolved in favour of customers. As well as information about the most complained-about products and trends for the quarter.

Read the full data

Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes (UCIS) – our approach to the complaints we see

In our latest quarterly data, we highlighted complaints we are seeing about unregulated collective investment schemes (UCIS) and other non-mainstream investments. A UCIS is a high-risk and speculative investment where investors pool money which is collectively used to buy assets such as property or holiday resorts.

Our newly published guidance for consumers and for financial businesses provides information about how we resolve complaints about this and shares case studies that illustrate our approach.

Information for consumers  Information for businesses 

Complaints about individual businesses January to June 2022

We also recently published our half-yearly figures showing the number of complaints received about individual financial businesses and the uphold rates.

See the full data

Complaints about claims management companies

Our complaints data about claims management companies (CMCs) shows the volume of complaints we received and resolved about CMCs, and the proportion of complaints upheld in the consumers’ favour.

See our quarterly data See our half-yearly data

Latest news

New data reveals 70% jump in financial complaints

29 August 2024

Complaints about financial products have increased by 70% in the past 12 months when compared to the equivalent figure from last year.

Q1 data Data and Insight Press release Credit Cards

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Ombudsman News 193

18 July 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Ombudsman News. In this edition, we highlight our latest annual complaints data and insight for 2023/24. We also share guidance for professional representatives about referring a complaint to us for investigation.

Annual data Banking and payments Travel Insurance CMC

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Ombudsman News 192

27 June 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Ombudsman News. In this edition, we highlight our consultation on charging Claims Management Companies and other professional representatives. We also share details of roles we’re currently recruiting for.

Recruitment CMC Consultations and responses

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