We regularly publish data and insight about the complaints we receive. The information on this page is about complaints received during the third quarter (Q3) of financial year 2024/25, October and December 2024.

We also publish a 15-month snapshot of data to make it easy to compare trends over the previous quarters.

Q3 2024/25 – at a glance


new complaints


compared to Q3 2023/24


overall uphold rate

  • We received 68,430 complaints between October and December 2024.
  • This is a slight drop on the previous quarter (73,692), but a rise compared to the number of complaints (47,868) reported in the third quarter of 2023/24.
  • Of the cases we resolved this quarter – across all financial products we upheld 34% in favour of the consumer.
  • The most complained about product was hire purchase – which rose because of complaints about motor finance commission arrangements.

Top five most complained-about products

The top five most complained about products this quarter were:

  1. Hire purchase (motor) – 15,956
  2. Credit cards – 10,957
  3. Current accounts – 8,830
  4. Car/motorcycle insurance – 3,660
  5. Conditional sale (motor) – 2,702

Download the data: Top five most complained about products in the last five years (XLSX 11KB)

Hire purchase was the most complained about product this quarter

Over this quarter, we received 15,956 complaints about hire purchase. This is almost three times the number we reported in Q3 last year (5,419) and a steep rise on last quarter’s figure (11,817).

Complaints about motor finance commission have driven the increase in both hire purchase (motor) and conditional sale (motor) complaints.  

Credit cards complaints fell in Q3 but are still high

We received 10,957 credit card complaints over this quarter almost half of what we received in the last quarter (22,366). But this is still nearly twice the number we reported in Q3 of 2023/24, when consumers lodged 5,660 complaints about credit cards.

However, as last year, most credit card complaints were about unaffordable or irresponsible lending. In the last quarter, we received 8,221 new complaints, compared to just 3,086 reported in Q3 2022/23.

Download the data: New complaints about credit cards (XLSX 10KB)

Other trends across the quarter

Fraud and scams continue to drive complaints about current accounts  

The number of new cases about current accounts dropped slightly in Q3 (8,830) when compared to the previous quarter (9,091). This was still higher than the 7,804 complaints that we reported in the same period in 2023/24.

Complaints about car/motorcycle insurance

Car/motorcycle insurance continues to be the most complained about insurance product. We received 3,660 new complaints overall, of which 759 complaints were about administration and customer service issues.

Complaints brought by professional representatives

We’re seeing high level of complaints brought by professional representatives, particularly about hire purchase (motor), credit cards and current accounts.

The number of new complaints on this chart is rounded to the neared hundred.

Download the data: New complaints brought by professional representatives on hire purchase, credit cards and current accounts  (XLSX 10KB)

From April to December 2024, professional representatives accounted for around 47% of the cases we received, compared to just 21% reported in the first nine months of 2023/24.

We also recently announced that we’ll be proceeding with our proposal to charge professional representatives £250 to refer a case to our service from 1 April 2025.

View or download our full data set

This table shows the number of complaints we received and the uphold rate for each product.

You can filter and search for specific products in the table, or you can download a file of the data.

Product industry Product group Product name New cases Uphold rate
Banking and Payments Banking Services Banking Services <10  
Banking and Payments Banking Services CHAPS Payments <10 <30
Banking and Payments Banking Services Executorships or Trusteeships <10 <30
Banking and Payments Banking Services Foreign Currency 13 <30
Banking and Payments Banking Services International Transfers 90 33%
Banking and Payments Banking Services Safe Custody <10 <30
Banking and Payments Being categorised Being categorised <10  
Banking and Payments Business Banking Business Banking <10  
Banking and Payments Business Banking Business Current Accounts 992 38%
Banking and Payments Business Banking Business Overdrafts 64 17%
Banking and Payments Business Banking Merchant Services 207 41%
Banking and Payments Business Lending Bounce Back Loans (BBLS) 84 31%
Banking and Payments Business Lending Business Lending <10  
Banking and Payments Business Lending Business Loans (Not secured on land) 78 17%
Banking and Payments Business Lending Commercial Mortgages 44 <30
Banking and Payments Business Lending Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans (CBILS) <10 <30
Banking and Payments Business Lending Recovery Loans (RLS) <10 <30
Banking and Payments Credit Card Accounts Balance Transfers 41 <30
Banking and Payments Credit Card Accounts Credit Card Accounts <10  
Banking and Payments Credit Card Accounts Credit Cards 10,957 25%
Banking and Payments Payment Services Account Information Services (Open Banking) <10 <30
Banking and Payments Payment Services Electronic Money (e-money) 2,234 30%
Banking and Payments Payment Services Money Remittance 33 <30
Banking and Payments Payment Services Payment Initiation Services (Open Banking) <10  
Banking and Payments Payment Services Payment Instruments 37 <30
Banking and Payments Payment Services Payment Services 11  
Banking and Payments Payment Services Payments Charged to Mobile Phone Bill <10  
Banking and Payments Payment Services Pre-paid Cards 29 <30
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Cheques 67 34%
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Current Accounts 8,830 32%
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Debit Cards 500 31%
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Direct Debits 83 27%
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Online Banking 131 29%
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Overdrafts 672 47%
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Packaged Bank Accounts 103 20%
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Personal Bank Accounts 33  
Banking and Payments Personal Bank Accounts Standing Orders 11 <30
Banking and Payments Savings Cash ISAs (including cash lifetime ISAs and help to buy ISAs) 359 34%
Banking and Payments Savings Deposits and Savings Accounts (excluding Cash ISAs) 348 36%
Banking and Payments Savings Premium Bonds (NS&I only) 81 45%
Banking and Payments Savings Savings <10  
Banking and Payments Savings Savings Certificates or Bonds 62 42%
Being categorised Being categorised Being categorised 10 <30
Consumer Credit Being categorised Being categorised <10  
Consumer Credit Credit Services Credit Broking 32 14%
Consumer Credit Credit Services Credit Records 215 38%
Consumer Credit Debt Services Debt Adjusting <10 <30
Consumer Credit Debt Services Debt Collection 343 24%
Consumer Credit Debt Services Debt Counselling (inc. Debt Management Plans) 19 <30
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Catalogue Shopping 575 30%
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Conditional Sale (Motor) 2,702 28%
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Conditional Sale (Non-motor) 62 <30
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Finance Linked to Goods and Services 256  
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Hire Purchase (Motor) 15,956 36%
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Hire Purchase (Non-motor, non-rent to own) 45 <30
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Hire Purchase (Rent to own) 31 <30
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Hiring, Leasing or Renting (Motor) 514 30%
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Hiring, Leasing or Renting (Non-motor) 35 <30
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Point of Sale Loans (Motor) 217 35%
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Point of Sale Loans (Non-motor) 1,421 48%
Consumer Credit Finance Linked to Goods and Services Store Card Accounts 130 31%
Consumer Credit Loans Guarantor Loans 38 <30
Consumer Credit Loans Home Credit <10 <30
Consumer Credit Loans Logbook Loans <10 <30
Consumer Credit Loans Pawnbroking <10 <30
Consumer Credit Loans Peer to peer lending (Borrowing money) <10 <30
Consumer Credit Loans Personal Loans 2,195 31%
Consumer Credit Loans Short Term Lending (Instalment Loans) 219 23%
Consumer Credit Loans Short Term Lending (Payday Loans) 152 23%
Consumer Credit Loans Short Term Lending (Running Account Credit) 48 <30
Funeral Planning Services Funeral Plans Funeral Plans <10  
Funeral Planning Services Funeral Plans Pre-paid Funeral Plans 58 43%
Insurance Animal Insurance Animal Insurance <10  
Insurance Animal Insurance Horse Insurance 10 <30
Insurance Animal Insurance Pet Insurance 628 40%
Insurance Being categorised Being categorised 11  
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Building Guarantees 114 52%
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Buildings Insurance 1,761 41%
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Commercial Property Insurance 358 47%
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Contents Insurance 453 32%
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Home Emergency Insurance 353 42%
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance 24  
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Household Warranties 248 31%
Insurance Household and Commercial Property Insurance Marine Insurance 14 <30
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Business Protection Insurance 103 36%
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Card Protection Insurance <10 <30
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Commercial Legal Expenses Insurance 40 <30
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Covenant Indemnity Insurance <10 <30
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance <10  
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Legal Expenses Insurance 237 23%
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Rent Protection Insurance 31 <30
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Special Event Insurance (Non-wedding insurance) <10 <30
Insurance Legal Expenses and Monetary Loss Insurance Special Event Insurance (Wedding insurance) <10 <30
Insurance Life and Critical Illness Cover Critical Illness Cover 148 21%
Insurance Life and Critical Illness Cover Life and Critical Illness Cover 21  
Insurance Life and Critical Illness Cover Term Assurance 209 22%
Insurance Life and Critical Illness Cover Whole of Life Assurance (Non-reviewable) 104 22%
Insurance Life and Critical Illness Cover Whole of Life Assurance (Reviewable) 133 43%
Insurance Medical Insurance Income Protection Insurance 201 23%
Insurance Medical Insurance Long Term Care Insurance <10 <30
Insurance Medical Insurance Medical Insurance <10  
Insurance Medical Insurance Personal Accident Insurance 34 33%
Insurance Medical Insurance Private Medical or Dental Insurance 548 25%
Insurance Motor Insurance Car or Motorcycle Insurance 3,660 41%
Insurance Motor Insurance Caravan Insurance 43 33%
Insurance Motor Insurance Commercial Vehicle Insurance 314 49%
Insurance Motor Insurance GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection Insurance) 97 <30
Insurance Motor Insurance Motor Insurance <10  
Insurance Motor Insurance Motor Warranties 123 46%
Insurance Motor Insurance Roadside Assistance Insurance 280 42%
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Bicycle Insurance 20 <30
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Gadget Insurance 144 31%
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Golf Equipment Insurance <10 <30
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Jewellery Insurance 13 <30
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Military Kit Insurance   <30
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Mobile Phone Insurance 255 28%
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Musical Instrument Insurance <10 <30
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) 14  
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Photography Equipment Insurance <10 <30
Insurance Personal Belongings Insurance (Standalone) Workman's Tools Insurance   <30
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Business Loan) <10  
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Catalogue Shopping) <10  
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Credit Card) <10 <30
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Hire Purchase) <10 <30
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Mortgage) 23 <30
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Overdraft)   <30
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) <10  
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Personal Loan) <10 <30
Insurance PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) PPI (Secured Loan - not a mortgage) <10  
Insurance Travel Insurance Cover Travel Insurance 1,079 35%
Insurance Travel Insurance Cover Travel Insurance Cover 14  
Investments Being categorised Being categorised <10  
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans 17  
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Children's Savings Plans 28 <30
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Corporate Bonds <10 <30
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Long Term Care Bonds <10 <30
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Mini-bonds 35 <30
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Offshore Bonds 12 <30
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Treasury Bonds <10 <30
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans Unit Linked Bonds 76 39%
Investments Bonds and Non-Deposit Savings Plans With-Profits Bonds 46 <30
Investments Derivatives CFDs (Contracts for Difference) 54 31%
Investments Derivatives Rolling Spot Forex <10  
Investments Derivatives Spread Betting <10 <30
Investments Endowments Endowment Plans (Unit Linked) <10 <30
Investments Endowments Endowment Plans (With-profits) 15 <30
Investments Endowments Mortgage Endowments (Unit Linked) 16 <30
Investments Endowments Mortgage Endowments (With-profits) 13 <30
Investments Investment Funds Exchange Traded Funds <10 <30
Investments Investment Funds Investment Funds <10  
Investments Investment Funds Investment Trusts 59 43%
Investments Investment Funds Non-Structured Periodically Guaranteed Funds <10  
Investments Investment Funds OEICs (Open-ended Investment Companies) <10 <30
Investments Investment Funds Unit Trusts 26 <30
Investments ISAs and PEPs Innovative Finance ISA <10 <30
Investments ISAs and PEPs ISAs and PEPs 11  
Investments ISAs and PEPs Lifetime ISA (investment only) 10 <30
Investments ISAs and PEPs PEPs (Personal Equity Plan) <10 <30
Investments ISAs and PEPs Stocks and Shares ISA 405 45%
Investments Mixed Investment Portfolios Advisory Service 90 41%
Investments Mixed Investment Portfolios Discretionary Service 19 26%
Investments Mixed Investment Portfolios Mixed Investment Portfolios <10  
Investments Non-mainstream Investments Business Relief <10 <30
Investments Non-mainstream Investments Crowdfunding (investment-based) 13 3%
Investments Non-mainstream Investments Direct Property Investments <10  
Investments Non-mainstream Investments EIS (Enterprise Investment Scheme) <10 <30
Investments Non-mainstream Investments Peer to peer lending (Lending money) <10 <30
Investments Non-mainstream Investments UCIS (Unregulated Collective Investment Scheme) <10 <30
Investments Stocks and Shares Employee Share Scheme 14 <30
Investments Stocks and Shares Registrar Services <10  
Investments Stocks and Shares Share Dealings 149 29%
Investments Stocks and Shares Stocks and Shares <10  
Investments Structured Investments Capital Protected Structured Products <10 <30
Investments Structured Investments SCARPs (Structured Capital at Risk Products) <10 <30
Mortgages Being categorised Being categorised <10  
Mortgages Buy-to-let Mortgages Buy-to-let Mortgage (Consumer or Non-Consumer) 199 28%
Mortgages Buy-to-let Mortgages Buy-to-let Mortgages <10  
Mortgages Equity Release Equity Release <10  
Mortgages Equity Release Home Reversion Plans <10  
Mortgages Equity Release Lifetime Mortgage 88 18%
Mortgages Equity Release Shared Appreciation Mortgage 11 <30
Mortgages Non-Mortgage Residential Finance Non-Mortgage Residential Finance <10  
Mortgages Residential Mortgages Bridging Loan <10 <30
Mortgages Residential Mortgages First Charge Mortgage 1,271 33%
Mortgages Residential Mortgages Help to Buy and Shared Equity Loans 71 67%
Mortgages Residential Mortgages Residential Mortgages 27  
Mortgages Residential Mortgages Second Charge Mortgage 98 44%
Pensions and Annuities Additional Voluntary Contributions including  FSAVCs AVC (Additional Voluntary Contributions) provided by OPS <10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Additional Voluntary Contributions including  FSAVCs FSAVC (Free Standing Additional Voluntary Contributions) <10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Annuities Annuities <10  
Pensions and Annuities Annuities Conventional Annuities 101 46%
Pensions and Annuities Annuities Enhanced or Impaired Life Annuities 11 <30
Pensions and Annuities Being categorised Being categorised <10  
Pensions and Annuities Occupational Pension Schemes (OPS) Defined Benefit Transfer (Not to SIPP) 77 38%
Pensions and Annuities Occupational Pension Schemes (OPS) Defined Contribution Transfer (Not to SIPP) 17 <30
Pensions and Annuities Occupational Pension Schemes (OPS) EPP  (Executive Pension Plans) <10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Occupational Pension Schemes (OPS) Occupational Pension Schemes (OPS) <10  
Pensions and Annuities Occupational Pension Schemes (OPS) SSAS (Small Self Administered Schemes) 26 58%
Pensions and Annuities Occupational Pension Schemes (OPS) Transfer between two OPS 10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Private Pensions (not SIPPs) Pension Mortgages <10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Private Pensions (not SIPPs) Pension Term Assurance <10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Private Pensions (not SIPPs) Personal Pensions 1,234 40%
Pensions and Annuities Private Pensions (not SIPPs) Private Pensions (not SIPPs) 17  
Pensions and Annuities Private Pensions (not SIPPs) QROPS (Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme) <10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Private Pensions (not SIPPs) Section 32 Plans 10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Private Pensions (not SIPPs) SERPS (State Earnings Related Pensions Schemes) <10 <30
Pensions and Annuities Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) Defined Benefit Transfer (To SIPP) 79 53%
Pensions and Annuities Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) Discretionary Fund Management (DFM) 15 <30
Pensions and Annuities Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) Family Pension Trusts <10  
Pensions and Annuities Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) Investment Platforms 47 <30
Pensions and Annuities Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) 40  
Pensions and Annuities Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) Standard Investments 169 45%
Pensions and Annuities Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) UCIS and other Non-Standard Investments 26 94%
    Grand total 68,430 34%

About this data

We publish complaints data on financial products and services every quarter and updates on business complaints data every six months. Our quarterly updates on financial products and services include the number of enquiries and new cases we received, and the proportion of complaints resolved in favour of customers.

For information on the complaints we received about claims management companies (CMCs), please see our CMC quarterly data.


  • In each release of quarterly data (about both financial products and relating to complaints about claims management companies), we publish the number of new enquiries and new complaints received in the period, together with the number of ombudsman referrals and the percentage of cases upheld in favour of the customer.

    We publish data about products and services where we have received at least 10 new complaints in the reporting period. Products and services where we have received at least one, but fewer than 10 new complaints, are denoted as “<10”. We publish an uphold rate where we have resolved 30 or more complaints about the relevant product or service in the period.