Ombudsman News

Look at previous editions of Ombudsman News - our newsletter for people interested in financial complaints, and how to settle or prevent them - to catch-up on the latest:

  • case studies showing the problems that people bring to us - and how we sort them out
  • information about our approach to resolving complaints
  • news and feedback from the ombudsman.

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Ombudsman news issue 57

We look at banking complaints about interest rates and talk to Paul Kendal, head of our customer contact division, about the importance of getting off on the right foot.

Banking Interest

Read issue 57 

Ombudsman news issue 56

We talk to chairman of the Financial Ombudsman Service, Chris Kelly about his views on the theory and practice of life on the board at the ombudsman service.
We also look at complaints about travel insurance and redress for mis-sold pension mortgages.

Insurance Investments Banking

Read issue 56 

Ombudsman news issue 55

We speak to our Quality Director, Estelle Clark, about the steps taken to maintain the quality of service we provide. We also look at complaints against mortgage intermediaries and complaints about investment advice - where the investor did not own the funds invested.

Investments Banking Mortgages

Read issue 55 

Ombudsman news issue 54

We talk to principal ombudsman, Tony Boorman about the challenges linked to us keeping in touch with smaller firms. We also look at complaints about cancellation rates for annual insurance policies and mortgage endowment policies purchased before “A” day, 29 April 1988.

Insurance Banking Mortgage Endowments

Read issue 54 

Ombudsman news issue 53

We speak to Peter Hinchliffe, lead insurance ombudsman, about the rise in people buying insurance online, and over the phone and the implications it has for complaints. We also look at the range of complaints we see about cheque clearing problems.

Insurance Banking Cheques

Read issue 53 

Ombudsman news issue 52

We ask lead pensions ombudsman, Tony King, how he thinks some of the most recent pension legislation changes might affect the complaints we see. We also look at complaints involving power of attorney on bank accounts and cases where customers are unhappy with the amount of benefit paid out under income protection policies.

Pensions Power of Attorney Income Protection

Read issue 52 

Ombudsman news issue 51

We talk to lead banking ombudsman, Jane Hingston, about safer credit and debit card spending – and facing up to debt problems. We also look at investment complaints where the firm claims to have acted on an execution-only basis – or to have given only "limited" advice.

Investments Banking Debt

Read issue 51 

Ombudsman news issue 50

In our 50th Issue we look at common issues in complaint sin banking contracts. We also look at redress for pension mis-sale complaints and how the time bar rules apply to mortgage endowment complaints.

Redress Mortgage Endowments Pensions

Read issue 50 

Ombudsman news issue 49

We explain our approach, and the background, to dealing with complaints about National Savings & investments. We also look at travel insurance complaints and the circumstances under which we can dismiss investment complaints without considering their merits.

Investments Banking Travel Insurance

Read issue 49 

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Ombudsman News

Our regular newsletter for people interested in financial complaints, and how to settle or prevent them.