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Decisions database
This database holds all the final decisions we’ve published since 1 April 2013 under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended by the Financial Services Act 2012.
Financial difficulties
How we can help if you have a complaint about the way a financial business has treated you while you’re facing financial difficulties.
How we handle complaints
Information for financial businesses about our case-handling process, including what information to send us, the stages of our investigation and ‘proactively settled’ complaints.
Unaffordable lending
Find out more information about what we look at when we deal with complaints about unaffordable lending.
Credit and borrowing money
How we can help if things go wrong when you borrow money.
Mortgage arrears charges
How we can help if you have a complaint about mortgage arrears charges.
Complaints about motor finance commission
Information for financial businesses who are handling and resolving complaints about commission paid by a lender to a car dealer when arranging a car finance agreement.
If you have a complaint about your mortgage, we can help. Find out more about the types of complaints we look at, and what we can do to help put things right.
Fraud and scams
Making a complaint about fraud and scams.
2022 03 21 Wider Implications Framework issues log (pdf)
Published 29/04/2022 Last updated 03/05/2022