The data on this page covers January to June 2021. We publish complaints data every six months about financial businesses. This includes the number of complaints against businesses for which there were both 30 new and 30 resolved complaints.

See all our half-yearly complaints data.

For complaints about individual Claims Management Companies (CMCs), please see our CMC half-yearly data.

249 businesses feature in our complaints data for the first half of 2021 compared to 221 in the previous six-month period – with uphold rates for individual businesses ranging from 2% to 92%. The average uphold rate across all products was 34%.

The business with the most new complaints was Provident Personal Credit Limited, reflecting the high volumes of complaints we were receiving in Q4 2020/21 about home credit.


The totals in the business complaints data are for firms against which we have 30 new and 30 resolved complaints. Alongside this data, we also publish our early resolution data. These are complaints where, with the consent of the business and the consumer, we have got involved in a complaint before the business has investigated it.

Interpreting the data

Business group: the name of any larger group that the business was part of at the end of the six-month period

Business name: the official name used for regulation purposes

Upheld: complaints found in favour of the consumer