Ed came to us after he disagreed with his pet insurance provider on a claim. We helped him draw a line under the problem, by giving him an impartial answer.

What happened
Ed and his family had a rescue dog, Ollie for around 13 years. Unfortunately, Ollie developed a tumour in his throat which needed treatment. Sadly, the treatment wasn’t going to be successful so there was no other option but to euthanise Ollie.
Ed contacted his pet insurance provider to reclaim the costs he incurred – but his insurer only paid out some of this amount. Ed wasn’t happy with the outcome of his claim.
Watch Ed's story to find out how we helped
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What we said
Ed got in touch with us after receiving the final response letter from the insurer. He didn’t fully understand why he hadn’t been paid out the full amount of the costs he’d incurred. Having heard what both he and the insurer said about the claim, and by having a detailed look into the evidence they provided, we were able to quickly provide Ed with clarity and assurance.
Although the insurer could have done things differently, we didn’t uphold Ed’s complaint against them. But we did let the insurer know where their internal process could have been better – and were able to explain to Ed why the insurer had only paid out part of his claim.
Ed was pleased that we were able to explain clearly why the complaint wasn’t upheld and was satisfied with the outcome.
My dealings with the Financial Ombudsman Service were very, very good, and they were quicker than I’d expected. There was lots of communication at key points that inspired confidence and I knew exactly what was going on.
How we can help you
If you think you've had your insurance claim unfairly turned down, or you think your insurer should've paid more, we'll be able to give you an impartial decision. Talk to your insurer first, and if you're still not happy then get in touch.