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An overview of the ombudsman's approach
This section of our online PPI resource provides an overview of the ombudsman's approach to some of the common issues raised in disputes about payment protection insurance (PPI) - including single-premium policies and policies relating to both secured and unsecured lending:
- how does the ombudsman service assess PPI sales-complaints?
- what are the relevant considerations in deciding PPI sales-complaints?
- what were the relevant regulatory rules and codes?
- did the financial business provide adequate product and price information?
- did the financial business make a recommendation or give advice?
- has the financial business assessed suitability fairly?
- how does the ombudsman service approach redress where a PPI policy has been mis-sold?
- how does the ombudsman service assess disputes about whether or not PPI was sold?
- our approach to payment protection insurance (PPI) mis-sale complaints