Complaints we deal with
Find out more about the complaints we deal with and our approach to resolving them by selecting the product area you’d like to read about below:
- Home, travel, motor, wedding and other types of insurance
- Bank accounts, payments, cards, cash machines and other banking services
- Fraud and scams
- Mortgages including early repayment charges, valuations and equity
- Loans and other types of credit like car finance or debt and repayment problems
- Investments
- Pension and annuities
- Payment protection insurance (PPI)
- Other complaints – including complaints involving the impact of Covid-19, economic and domestic abuse or power of attorney.
For businesses
We deal with complaints about a wide range of financial products and services. On this page you’ll find a list of products and services, with links to information about our usual approach to resolving complaints about them.
We encourage businesses to consider our approach when handling complaints from customers.
It’s important for us to be consistent in the way we approach similar types of complaint, but we treat each complaint individually. Everyone’s personal and financial circumstances are different, so the outcome in one case won’t always be the same as in a similar-looking case.
For information on our process and decision-making, read how we handle complaints and how we make decisions.

Information for consumers
If you're looking for information about how we can help you, please look at the consumer section of our site. It contains information about how to complain, the complaints we see and can help with, and how we resolve them.
Find out more
Are you a small business?
If you’re a small business (SME) and want to make a complaint to us, go to our dedicated small business website for more information about how we can help.
Need help with a claims management dispute?
We can also help with complaints about claims management companies (CMCs). If you have a complaint, or you’re a CMC dealing with a complaint, go to the Claims Management Ombudsman website for more information.