Complaining to us is straightforward and will not cost you anything - but you need to give the financial business you are unhappy with a chance to sort things out before we can get involved.
For most complaints, financial businesses have up to 8 weeks to consider and respond to your complaint.
In some circumstances, a business has up to 35 days to consider a complaint. This applies to complaints about payment services (such as banks transfers, scams, or direct debits) or electronic money (for example, online money transfers or Apple pay).
Once they have investigated your complaint, the financial business should send you a reply called a "final response", which sets out their findings. If the business accepts they did something wrong, they’ll also set out what they propose to do to help put things right.
The final response will also explain that you have six months to bring the complaint to us if you remain unhappy or disagree with their reply.
If the final response was more than six months ago, we might not be able to help – read more about time limits that affect whether we can look into a complaint on our website.
If the business hasn't responded to your complaint within 8 weeks, you can still bring your complaint to us. Select ‘yes’ as your answer to this question and to move on to the next question.
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