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Ombudsman News 178

19 January 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of Ombudsman News. In this edition we highlight that our plans and budget consultation for 2023/24 closes soon, but there is still time to respond. We also share our latest blog about helping to resolve complaints from small businesses.

SME Financial Difficulties Fraud and scams Unaffordable lending Strategic plans and budget

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Ombudsman News 177

19 December 2022

Welcome to the latest edition of Ombudsman News. In this edition we share our plans and budget consultation for 2023/24 and our newly published online guidance for consumers and financial businesses about financial difficulties in mortgages. We also highlight our opening hours over the Christmas period.

Financial Difficulties Mortgages Strategic plans and budget Consultations and responses

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Ombudsman News

Our regular newsletter for people interested in financial complaints, and how to settle or prevent them.