We make decisions based on what we think is fair and reasonable, accounting for the unique circumstances of each case we receive. We anonymise our decisions and write them in a way that prevents the person or small business complaining from being identified.
This database holds all the final decisions we’ve published since 1 April 2013 under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended by the Financial Services Act 2012.
Your search returned 357004 results
Decision Reference DRN-4741347
16 May 2024 Monzo Bank Ltd UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4741347 The complaint Mr M via a representative complains that Monzo Bank Ltd (“Monzo”) won’t refund over £40,000 he lost to a fake job scam. What happened The details of this complaint are well known to both parties, so I won’t repeat everything again here. In brief, Mr M fell victim ... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4574055
16 May 2024 N.I.I.B. Group Limited UpheldConsumer CreditDRN-4574055 The complaint Mrs B complains that a car supplied to her under a hire purchase agreement with N.I.I.B. Group Limited trading as Northridge Finance (“Northridge”) was of an unsatisfactory quality. What happened In March 2023, Mrs B was supplied with a used car through a hire pur... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4480959
16 May 2024 AutoMoney Limited Not upheldConsumer CreditDRN-4480959 The complaint Mr E complains that a car supplied to him under a hire purchase agreement with AutoMoney Limited trading as AutoMoney Car Finance (“AutoMoney”) was of an unsatisfactory quality. What happened In February 2023, Mr E was supplied with a used car through a hire purch... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4505690
16 May 2024 Santander UK Plc Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4505690 The complaint Mr S complains that Santander UK Plc won’t help him in his dispute with an accommodation booking website. What happened In February 2023 Mr S used his Santander debit card to pay over £7000 to a website (the Website) for accommodation in America f... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4692512
16 May 2024 Vauxhall Finance plc UpheldConsumer CreditDRN-4692512 The complaint Mr D complains that a car supplied to him under a conditional sale agreement by Vauxhall Finance plc (“Vauxhall”) was of an unsatisfactory quality. He further complains that Vauxhall failed to undertake sufficient checks to ensure that the loan was affordable. And... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4791091
16 May 2024 Nationwide Building Society Not upheldMortgagesDRN-4791091 The complaint Mr and Mrs A’s complaint is about what happened when they asked to port their later-life mortgage with Nationwide Building Society to a new property. They are unhappy that the mortgage documentation from when they took out their original mortgage didn’t tell them ... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4801963
16 May 2024 Mitsubishi HC Capital UK Plc UpheldConsumer CreditDRN-4801963 The complaint Miss R says Mitsubishi HC Capital UK Plc, trading as Novuna Personal Finance, irresponsibly lent to her. What happened Miss R took out two loans from Novuna, a summary of her borrowing follows. loan taken out value, £ term in months monthly repayment, £ repaid 1 2... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4568319
16 May 2024 HSBC UK Bank Plc UpheldMortgagesDRN-4568319 The complaint Mr and Mrs B’s complaint is about HSBC UK Bank Plc’s decision to decline their mortgage application because their income didn’t meet its lending criteria. They are unhappy that HSBC refused to exercise discretion to vary its criteria so that their application coul... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4793821
16 May 2024 Scottish Widows Limited Not upheldInvestmentsDRN-4793821 The complaint Mr and Mrs A complain that Scottish Widows Limited provided them with incomplete and inaccurate information about the steps they would need to follow in order to surrender a bond they held as trustees. As a result of the poor information they complain that the pay... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4794278
16 May 2024 HSBC UK Bank Plc Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4794278 The complaint Mr S complains that HSBC UK Bank Plc (“HSBC”) hasn’t protected him from losing money to a scam. What happened The background to this complaint is well known to both parties, so I won’t repeat everything here. In brief summary, Mr S has explained that between July ... (2 pages)View decision