We make decisions based on what we think is fair and reasonable, accounting for the unique circumstances of each case we receive. We anonymise our decisions and write them in a way that prevents the person or small business complaining from being identified.
This database holds all the final decisions we’ve published since 1 April 2013 under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended by the Financial Services Act 2012.
Your search returned 357004 results
Decision Reference DRN-4743847
20 May 2024 Aviva Life & Pensions UK Limited Not upheldInsuranceDRN-4743847 The complaint Mr P is unhappy that Aviva Life & Pensions UK Limited declined a claim for the critical illness benefit under his term assurance policy. What happened The details of this complaint are well known to both parties, so I won’t repeat them again here. I’ll instead... (2 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4806645
20 May 2024 Inter Partner Assistance SA UpheldInsuranceDRN-4806645 The complaint Mr and Mrs G are unhappy that Inter Partner Assistance SA (IPA) declined a claim made on their single trip ‘bronze’ travel insurance policy (‘the policy’). All reference to IPA includes its medical assistance team. What happened Whilst abroad in 2023, Mr G require... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4636622
20 May 2024 National Westminster Bank Plc Not upheldMortgagesDRN-4636622 The complaint Mr M complains that he’d understood National Westminster Bank Plc had capitalised the arrears on his mortgage, so his monthly payment was repaying those arrears. But then NatWest started legal action to repossess his property, because the arrears were unpaid. What... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4749565
20 May 2024 Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company Limited Not upheldInsuranceDRN-4749565 The complaint Mr and Mrs A complain that Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company Limited (“LV”) significantly increased their home insurance policy premium at renewal. What happened Mr and Mrs A had a home insurance policy with LV, which was due to renew in November 2023. When Mr... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4806650
20 May 2024 American Express Services Europe Limited (AESEL) UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4806650 The complaint Mr F complains that American Express Services Europe Limited (AESEL) (Amex) unfairly closed his credit card account after asking him to provide information. He wants Amex to reopen his account and give him the reasons it closed his account. Mr F is also unhappy th... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4492401
20 May 2024 Mitsubishi HC Capital UK Plc Not upheldConsumer CreditDRN-4492401 The complaint Mr B’s complaint is that Mitsubishi HC Capital UK PLC trading as Novuna Personal Finance (‘Mitsubishi’) acted unfairly and unreasonably when deciding against paying his claim under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (the ‘CCA’). The complaint is only in Mr... (8 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4722632
20 May 2024 esure Insurance Limited UpheldInsuranceDRN-4722632 The complaint Miss K complains about esure Insurance Limited’s handling of a claim she made under her motor insurance policy. What happened In May 2023, Miss K made a claim under her motor insurance policy with esure after her parked car was damaged by another driver. The incid... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4782953
20 May 2024 Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited Not upheldInsuranceDRN-4782953 The complaint Miss G has complained about how Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited (‘Admiral’) has dealt with a claim under a home insurance policy. What happened Miss G contacted Admiral to say she had found water damage to her home. Admiral said Miss G should provide a cause... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4806399
20 May 2024 Tandem Personal Loans Ltd UpheldConsumer CreditDRN-4806399 The complaint Mr M is unhappy that Tandem Personal Loans Ltd sent him missed payment correspondence at a time when he hadn’t missed a payment. What happened Mr M has a loan with Tandem on which he was up to date on all his payments. Mr M made a payment for the loan on 29 Novemb... (2 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4803845
20 May 2024 TSB Bank plc Not upheldMortgagesDRN-4803845 The complaint Mr and Mrs N have complained about their interest only mortgage they hold with TSB Bank Plc. What happened Mr and Mrs N’s mortgage was originally taken out with Lloyds TSB Scotland Plc and it is now with TSB Bank Plc. I will simply refer to it as TSB from now on, ... (4 pages)View decision