We make decisions based on what we think is fair and reasonable, accounting for the unique circumstances of each case we receive. We anonymise our decisions and write them in a way that prevents the person or small business complaining from being identified.
This database holds all the final decisions we’ve published since 1 April 2013 under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended by the Financial Services Act 2012.
Your search returned 357004 results
Decision Reference DRN-4741265
21 May 2024 ONMO Limited Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4741265 The complaint Mr B is complaining about ONMO Limited because he says it lent irresponsibly when giving him a credit card he couldn’t afford. What happened In April 2023, Mr B applied for a credit card with ONMO. ONMO accepted his application and gave him a card with a credit li... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4782330
21 May 2024 Moneybarn No. 1 Limited Not upheldConsumer CreditDRN-4782330 The complaint Ms C is complaining about Moneybarn No.1 Limited (Moneybarn). She says they were irresponsible in lending to her as the loan was unaffordable. Ms C’s complaint has been brought to us by a representative but for ease I’ve written as if we’ve dealt directly with he... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4772015
21 May 2024 Monzo Bank Ltd Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4772015 The complaint Mr R is unhappy that Monzo Bank Ltd blocked a payment he’d told them in advance that he was going to make. What happened On 24 February 2024, Mr R travelled from his home in the north of England to London to buy a car. At approximately 12:25, Mr R sent a message t... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4766424
21 May 2024 Monzo Bank Ltd UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4766424 The complaint Miss K is unhappy that Monzo Bank Ltd haven’t reimbursed the money she lost through a scam. Miss K’s complaint has been brought on her behalf by a professional representative. What happened Around October 2022 Miss K was contacted by a scammer on a messaging app. ... (7 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4806730
21 May 2024 J.P. Morgan Europe Limited UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4806730 The complaint Mrs P is unhappy J.P. Morgan Europe Limited (“Chase”) won’t refund the money she lost as a result of a third-party scam. What happened I’m not going to cover all the points raised in detail. The view of 14 December 2023 covered the details of Mrs P’s testimony. Bu... (6 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4736248
21 May 2024 Moneybarn No. 1 Limited Not upheldConsumer CreditDRN-4736248 The complaint Mr L complains about the service he received from Moneybarn No. 1 Limited (“Moneybarn”) when he changed the date of his monthly direct debit. He says it put his account into arrears and it didn’t return his telephone calls. What happened Mr T entered into a financ... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4667187
21 May 2024 Commsave Credit Union Limited Not upheldConsumer CreditDRN-4667187 The complaint Mr W complains that Commsave Credit Union Limited lent to him irresponsibly. What happened A lending relationship existed between Mr W and Commsave over a period of time and Mr W’s complaint here focuses on his loans from August 2022 to May 2023. The relevant loan... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4775304
21 May 2024 Evolution Insurance Company Limited UpheldInsuranceDRN-4775304 The complaint Mrs B complains about the way Evolution Insurance Company Limited has handled a claim under her boiler insurance policy. Where I refer to Evolution, this includes the actions of its agents and claims handlers. What happened In November 2023, Mrs B renewed her boil... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4749136
21 May 2024 HSBC UK Bank Plc Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4749136 The complaint Ms H complained because HSBC UK Bank Plc refused to refund her for a transaction which she said she hadn’t authorised. What happened On 23 November 2022, an annual standing order was set up on Ms H’s HSBC account. HSBC sent a letter to Ms H’s registered address sa... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4804486
21 May 2024 BUPA Insurance Limited Not upheldInsuranceDRN-4804486 The complaint Mr J complains that BUPA Insurance Limited declined his claim against a cash plan. What happened The details of this complaint are well known to both parties, so I won’t repeat them again here in full. In summary, Mr J has the benefit of a cash plan through his em... (3 pages)View decision