We make decisions based on what we think is fair and reasonable, accounting for the unique circumstances of each case we receive. We anonymise our decisions and write them in a way that prevents the person or small business complaining from being identified.
This database holds all the final decisions we’ve published since 1 April 2013 under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended by the Financial Services Act 2012.
Your search returned 357004 results
Decision Reference DRN-4786293
22 May 2024 EUI Limited Not upheldInsuranceDRN-4786293 The complaint Mr and Mrs S complain that EUI Limited mis-sold them a travel insurance policy. What happened In October 2022, Mr and Mrs S took out an annual multi-trip travel insurance policy online through a price comparison website. The policy was arranged by EUI and underwri... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4479062
22 May 2024 Openwork Limited Not upheldPensions and AnnuitiesDRN-4479062 The complaint Mrs C complains that Openwork Limited, trading as The Openwork Partnership (Openwork) gave her unsuitable advice to take some of her pension benefits as an Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS). And that this has led to her being restricted to the Money Pu... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4567206
22 May 2024 Santander UK Plc UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4567206 Complaint Mr I is unhappy that Santander UK Plc didn’t reimburse him after he told it he’d fallen victim to a scam. Background In late 2021, Mr I entered into an agreement with a limited company, which I’ll refer to as P. Mr I was told that P specialised in the leasing of cars.... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4619098
22 May 2024 Barclays Bank UK PLC Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4619098 The complaint Mrs K and Mr M complain Barclays Bank UK PLC refused to raise a claim under the Direct Debit Guarantee (DDG). They don’t believe it’s treated them fairly. What happened In July 2023 Mrs K and Mr M contacted Barclays to raise a claim under the DDG. They told Barcla... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4773722
22 May 2024 Barclays Bank UK PLC Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4773722 The complaint Mr M complains that Barclays Bank UK PLC won’t refund money as a result of a scam. What happened Between June to July 2023, Mr M used an online casino that I’ll call ‘S’ – he made a number of card payments to use the site that went through several different overse... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4723920
22 May 2024 Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management Limited Not upheldInvestmentsDRN-4723920 The complaint Mrs A complains that Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management Limited (HL) gave misleading information about the Woodford Equity Income Fund (WEIF), Woodford Income Focus Fund (WIFF) and Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). Mrs A maint... (8 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4811901
22 May 2024 Creation Consumer Finance Ltd UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4811901 The complaint Miss A complains that Creation Consumer Finance Ltd (“Creation”) reduced her credit limit to zero without telling her and that they have impacted her credit file. She says she also received poor customer service from them. What happened The details of this complai... (2 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4787081
22 May 2024 Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited UpheldInsuranceDRN-4787081 The complaint Mr S, a sole trader, complains about how Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited have dealt with a claim he made on a commercial van policy. What happened At the start of June 2022, Mr S was involved in a non-fault accident. He made a claim to Admiral for the repair... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4670027
22 May 2024 Zurich Assurance Ltd Not upheldPensions and AnnuitiesDRN-4670027 The complaint The estate of Mr M complains about how Zurich Assurance Ltd (Zurich) managed Mr M’s Retirement Annuity contract on his 75 th birthday. In particular, it complains that Zurich set up a default annuity on his behalf at age 75 without his consent. What happened I und... (8 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4782580
22 May 2024 Barclays Bank UK PLC UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4782580 The complaint Mr P complains that Barclays Bank UK PLC trading as Barclaycard (Barclays) unfairly defaulted his credit card account. What happened In early 2023, Mr P was struggling to keep up with his credit card payments. Barclays agreed several periods of breathing space bef... (3 pages)View decision