We make decisions based on what we think is fair and reasonable, accounting for the unique circumstances of each case we receive. We anonymise our decisions and write them in a way that prevents the person or small business complaining from being identified.
This database holds all the final decisions we’ve published since 1 April 2013 under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended by the Financial Services Act 2012.
Your search returned 357004 results
Decision Reference DRN-4797561
23 May 2024 Squareup Europe Ltd Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4797561 The complaint Ms D complains that Square up Europe Ltd trading as Cash App has declined to reimburse her £50 that she paid as part of a scam. What happened On 26 May 2023, Ms D paid £50 to someone she met on social media for some goods that she ordered. After she didn’t receive... (2 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4808466
23 May 2024 Ageas Insurance Limited Not upheldInsuranceDRN-4808466 The complaint Mr and Mrs H complain Ageas Insurance Limited (“Ageas”) has unfairly declined a claim. Any reference to Ageas includes respective agents or representatives that it has taken responsibility for. What happened The background of this complaint is well known between t... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4809746
23 May 2024 TSB Bank plc Not upheldInvestmentsDRN-4809746 The complaint Mr S complains that when he applied for a fixed rate bond with TSB Bank plc, he didn’t receive the interest rate he saw advertised. Mr S also complained there was a delay in a later deposit to the same bond and he missed interest that he would have earned on this ... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4814332
23 May 2024 Wise Payments Limited UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4814332 The complaint Miss V complains that Wise Payments Limited won’t refund the money she lost after she was the victim of a scam. What happened In early 2023, Miss V saw an advert for a cryptocurrency investment company on a social media platform. She says she checked online review... (5 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4800963
23 May 2024 Tesco Personal Finance PLC Not upheldConsumer CreditDRN-4800963 The complaint Mrs K has complained that Tesco Personal Finance PLC trading as Tesco Bank (“Tesco”) didn’t ask for evidence of her income and expenditure before it lent to her, and had it done so, Tesco would’ve discovered the loan was unaffordable for her. What happened Mrs K w... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4808574
23 May 2024 National Savings and Investments Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4808574 The complaint Miss H complained that she never received the proceeds of a Deposit Bond that National Savings and Investments (‘NS&I’) says was repaid. What happened A Deposit Bond Investment Certificate (‘the bond’) was issued in December 1985 and registered in Miss H’s nam... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4805244
23 May 2024 Vanquis Bank Limited Not upheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4805244 The complaint Mr A complains that Vanquis Bank Limited was irresponsible in its lending to him. Mr A is represented by a third party but for ease of reference I have referred to Mr A throughout this decision. What happened Mr A was provided with a credit card with a credit limi... (4 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4653170
23 May 2024 Barclays Bank UK PLC UpheldBanking and PaymentsDRN-4653170 The complaint Mr P complains about the way he was treated by Barclays Bank UK PLC after he applied to switch his account to it in July 2023. What happened Mr P has advised us that he has mental health problems which he logged with Barclays. He applied to switch his account to B... (8 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4803733
23 May 2024 HSBC UK Bank Plc UpheldConsumer CreditDRN-4803733 The complaint Mrs L complains that when she set up a “no affordability plan” with HSBC UK Bank Plc, who I’ll call HSBC, she was told there wouldn’t be an impact on her credit file and she wasn’t advised arrears would continue to build up and demand letters would be sent. She is... (3 pages)View decision -
Decision Reference DRN-4763928
23 May 2024 Advantage Insurance Company Limited UpheldInsuranceDRN-4763928 The complaint Mr M complains about how Advantage Insurance Company Limited (Advantage) dealt with a claim under his home contents insurance policy. Advantage use agents to administer the policy and to assess claims. References to Advantage include these agents. What happened In... (4 pages)View decision